Finice helps to keep track of your personal finances. When you buy dinner or coffee just add an expense to the app. It can be done with just one click – tap on a category icon and set amount. How simple is that?
Get Finice money tracker and see how nice finance management can be.
Key features:
• <b>Multiple accounts</b>
Follow your expenses in every bank account or wallet you have
• <b>Recurring transactions</b>
Create a recurring template for just about every type of transaction and save your time. It just takes one tap more when you add an transaction
• <b>Clear, intuitive user interface</b>
We believe user interface should be clean and intuitive, where the most used features are within swipe.
• <b>Currency support</b>
Finice supports all most common currencies. Tracking money on travel or vacation has never been easier.
• <b>Customizable nested categories</b>
Personalize finance categories and fit your needs.
• <b>Instant insight on your finances</b>
Get to know where you are with your expenses with pleasant graph or list.
• <b>Free to use</b>
Finice is free to use and not limited in any way
And much more to come:
• Budget management
• Detailed charts and analysis
• User accounts with cloud sync
• Widgets</br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br></br>